What is as unique as your fingerprints and more revealing than your diary?


About Dr. Fields

R. Douglas Fields, PhD, is a neuroscientist and author. Throughout his career his scientific research has explored the cellular mechanisms of nervous system development, plasticity, and memory, working at UC San Diego, Stanford University, Yale University, and the National Institutes of Health.

Praise for R. Douglas Fields

Latest Blog Posts

Sugar Craving and Diabetes Linked to Gut Bacteria

We tend to think of craving as a psychological phenomenon triggered by habits, desires, and emotional swings, but new research shows that a wide range of psychological conditions are generated by the community of bacteria thriving in our gut. These microbes release substances that act as hormones  or neurotransmitters to affect mental function. A new…

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The Forgotten History of the Discovery of Human Brainwaves

The centennial of the discovery of brain waves in humans exposes a chilling tale involving Nazis, war between Russia and Ukraine, suicide and the vicissitudes of history. German psychiatrist Hans Berger, the firs to record human brain waves in 1924. This year is the centennial of the discovery of human brain waves. Few people know…

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Also by R. Douglas Fields

Electric Brain Audio Excerpt

Electric Brain

Overview and Intro

Google Talk

On Gila and Rage

Featured Audio

Leonard Lopate Show WNYC

"On the Origins of Rage and How it Affects Your Brain"