Selected Publications

Selected scientific publications
R. Douglas Fields

(See articles for popular science audience below this list)

Ravin, R., Blank, P.S., Busse, B., Ravin, N., Vira, S., Bezrukov, L., Waters, H., Guerrero-Cazares, H., Quinones-Hinojosa, A., Lee, P.R., Fields, R.D., Bezrukov, S.M., and Zimmerberg, J. (2016)  Blast shockwaves propagate Ca2+ activity via purinergic astrocyte networks in human central nervous system cells.  Scientific Reports6: 25713; doi: 10.1038/srep25713

Wake, H., Ortiz, F., Woo, D.H., Lee, P.R., Angulo, M.C., and Fields, R.D. (2015) Non-synaptic junctions on myelinating glia promote preferential myelination of electrically-active axons.  Nature Comm.  6:7844.

Fields, R.D. (2015) A new mechanism of nervous system plasticity:  activity-dependent myelination.  Nature Reviews Neurosciences.  16: 756-67.

Fields, R.D. Woo, D.H., Basser, P.B. (2015) Glial regulation of the neuronal connectome through local and long-distant communication.  Neuron 86: 374-86.

Nunez, P.L., Srinivasan, R., and Fields, R.D. (2015) EEG functional connectivity, axon delays and white matter disease.  Clinical Neurophysiology.  126: 110-20.

Cohen, J.E., Lee, P.R., and Fields, R.D. (2014) Systematic identification of 3’UTR regulatory elements in activity-dependent mRNA stability in hippocampal neurons.  Philos. Trans. Royal Soc. Lond. B. Biol. Sci.369: pii:20130509,

Pajevic, S., Basser, P., Fields, R.D. (2014) Role of myelin plasticity in oscillations and synchrony of neuronal activity.  Neuroscience 276:135-47.

Fields, R.D. (2014) Myelin—More than insulation.  Science 344: 264-266.

Fields, R.D. (2014) Myelin formation and remodeling.  Cell 156: 15-17.

Fields, R.D., Araque, A., Johansen-Berg, H., Lim, S.-S., Lynch, G., Nave, K.-A., Nedergaard, M., Perez, R., Sejnowski, T., Wake, H. (2014) Glial Biology in learning and cognition.  The Neuroscientist.  20:426-31.

Pajevic, S., Basser, P., Fields, R.D. (2014) Role of myelin plasticity in oscillations and synchrony of neuronal activity.  Neuroscience 276: 135-47.

Fields, R.D. (2013) Map the other brain.  Nature 501: 25-27.

Bukalo, O., and Fields, R.D. (2013)  Synaptic plasticity by antidromic firing during hippocampal network oscillations.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.  110, 5175-80.

Zatorre, R.J., Fields, R.D., and Johansen-Berg, H. (2012) Plasticity in gray and white:  Neuroimaging changes in brain structure during learning.  Nature Neuroscience15: 528-536.

Fields, R.D. (2013) Changes in Brain Structure during Learning:  Fact or Artifact?  NeuroImage73: 260-4.

Nualart, A., Solsona, C., and Fields, R.D. (2013) Gap junctions in myelinating glia.  Biochem. Biophys. Acta 1828: 69-78.

Fields, R.D. (2011) Glutamate receptors:  The cause or cure in perinatal white matter injury?  Neuron Glia Biology 6: 209-11.

Wake, H., Lee, P.R., and Fields, R.D. (2011)  Control of local protein synthesis and initial events in myelination by action potentials.  Science 333: 1647-51.  (Accelerated publication in Science Express, August 4, 2011).  See Perspective article on this research by A. Araque and M. Navarrete “Electrically driven insulation in the central nervous system in the same issue, p. 1587-88.

Cohen, J.E., Lee, P.R., Chen, S., Li, W., and Fields, R.D. (2011) MicroRNA regulation of homeostatic synaptic plasticity.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 108: 11650-5.[Faculty of 1000 ranking 6 “recommended”]

Leung, J.Y.K., Bennett, W.R., Herbert, R.P., West, A.K., Lee, P.R. Wake, H., Fields, R.D., Chuah, M.I., and Chung, R.S. (2011)  Metallothionein promotes regenerative axonal sprouting of dorsal root ganglion neurons after physical axotomy.  Coll. Mol. Life. Sci. 69: 809-17.

Fields, R.D. (2011) Nonsynaptic and nonvesicular ATP release from neurons and relevance to neuron-glia signaling.  Seminars Cell Dev. Biol.  22: 214-9.

Fields, R.D. (2011) Signaling by neuronal swelling.  Science Signaling 4, tr1.

Fumagalli, M., Daniele, S., Lecca, D., Lee, P.R., Parravicini, C., Fields, R.D., Rosa, P., Antonucci, F., Verderio, C., Trincavelli, M. L., Bramanti, P., Martini, C., Abbracchio, M.P. (2011) Phenotypic changes and signaling pathways of GPR17-expressing neural precursor cells during oligodendrocyte differentiation.  J. Biol. Chem. 286: 10593-604.

Fields, R.D. (2011) Imaging single photons and intrinsic optical signals for studies of vesicular and non-vesicular ATP release from axons.  Frontiers in Neuroanatomy  5: 32. [Faculty of 1000 ranking 10 “Exceptional”]

Fields, R.D. (2011) Imaging learning:  The search for a memory trace.  The Neuroscientist.  17: 185-196.

Wake H., Fields R.D. (2011) Physiological function of microglia.  Neuron Glia Biology 7: 1-2.

Fields, R.D. and A. M. VanHook (2010) Science Signaling Podcast: 9 November 2010  A conversation about a Research Article published in the 5 October 2010 issue of Science Signaling  Science Signaling 3147, p. pc20  DOI: 10.1126/scisignal.3147pc20.

Fields, R.D. (2010)  Central role of glia in disease research.  Neuron Glia Biology 4/2: 91-92.

Fields, R.D. (2010) Change in the brain’s white matter.  Science 330: 768-769.  [Featured in editor’s introduction to the special feature on glia, with reference to the author’s hypothesis on activity-dependent myelination.]

Fields, R.D. and Ni, Y. (2010) Non-Synaptic communication via ATP release from volume-regulated anion channels in axons.  Science Signaling 3, ra73.  [Featured in Science, podcast interview with Science Signaling editor, and NPR Morning Edition radio broadcast by science correspondent Jonathan Hamilton.]

DeFelipe, J., Fields, R.D., Hof, P.R., Hoistad, M., Kostovic, I., Meyer, G., Rockland, K.S. (2010) Cortical white matter:  beyond the pale, remarks, main conclusions and discussion.  Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 4: 1-28.

Fields, R.D. (2010) Visualizing calcium signaling in astrocytes.  Science Signaling 3, tr5.

Fields, R.D. (2010) Release of neurotransmitters from glia.  Neuron Glia Biology 6: 137-9.

Lee, P.R. and Fields, R.D. (2009) Regulation of myelin genes implicated in psychiatric disorders by functional activity in axons.  Frontiers in Neuroanatomy 3: 1-7.

Fields, R.D., Schneider N., Mentis, G.Z., and O’Donovan, M.J. (2009) Imaging nervous system activity.  Curr. Protoc. Neurosci. Chapter 2: Unit 2.3, 2.3.2-2.3.16.

Fields, R.D. (2009) New Culprits in Chronic Pain.  Scientific American November, 301: 50-57.

Ishibashi, T., Lee, P.R., Baba, H. and Fields, R.D. (2009) Leukemia inhibitory factor regulates the timing of oligodendrocyte development and myelination in the postnatal optic nerve.  J. Neuroscience Research.87: 3343-3355.

Cohen, J.E. and Fields, R.D. (2008) Activity-dependent neuron-glial signaling by ATP and leukemia-inhibitor factor promotes hippocampal glial cell development. Neuron Glia Biology 4: 43-55.

Fields, R.D. (2008)  George Palade, Obituary Neuron Glia Biology 4: 1.

Fields, R.D. (2008) Oligodendrocytes changing the rules: Action potentials in glia and oligodendrocytes controlling action potentials.  The Neuroscientist 14(6): 540-543.

Fields, R.D.  (2008) White matter matters. Scientific American 298: 54-6.

Fields, R.D. (2008) White matter in learning, cognition, and psychiatric disorders, Trends in Neuroscience 31: 361-370.          [Faculty of 1000 ranking 8 “must read”]

Fields, R.D., Fields, K.D., and Fields, M.C. (2007)  Semiconductor gel in shark sense organs?  Neuroscience Letters 426: 166-170.

Jia, M., Li, M.-X., Fields, R.D., and Nelson, P.G. (2007) Extracellular ATP in activity-dependent remodeling of the neuromuscular junction.  Developmental Neurobiology 67: 924-932.

Fields, R.D. (2006) Nerve impulses regulate myelination through purinergic signaling.  Novartis Found. Symp. 276:148-158.

Fields, R.D. (2007) The shark’s electric sense.  Scientific American 297: 74-81.

Ishibashi, T, Dakin, K.A., Stevens, B., Lee, P.R., Kozlov S.V., Stewart C.L., Fields R.D. (2006) Astrocytes promote myelination in response to electrical impulses. Neuron49(6):823-32. [Featured in Neuron, Faculty of 1000 rank 12 “exceptional”]

Cohen, J.E. and Fields, R.D. (2006) CaMKII activation by extracellular Ca2+ depletion in dorsal root ganglion neurons.  Cell Calcium 39(5): 445-54.

Lee P.R., Cohen J.E., Fields, R.D. (2006) Immune system evasion by peripheral nerve sheath tumor. Neuroscience Letters 397(1-2): 126-9.

Fields, R.D. and Burnstock, G. (2006) Purinergic signalling in neuron-glia interactions. Nature Reviews Neuroscience June 7(6): 423-36.

Fields, R.D. (2006)  Advances in understanding neuron-glia interactions.  Neuron Glia Biology2: 23-26.

Fields, R.D. (2006)  Nerve impulses regulate myelination through purinergic signalling. Novartis Found Symp. 276: 148-58; discussion 158-61, 233-7, 275-81.

Fields, R.D., Lee, P.R., and Cohen, J.E. (2005) Gene Expression in the Conversion of Early-Phase to Late-Phase Long-Term Potentiation.   Annals of the New York Acad. Sci1048: 259-271.

Lee, P.R., J.E. Cohen, E.A. Tendi, G.H. DeVries, K.G. Becker and R.D. Fields (2005) Transcriptional profiling of an MPNST-derived cell line and normal human Schwann cells. Neuron Glia Biology 1: 135-147.

Bullock, T.H., Bennett, M.V. L., Johnston, D., Josephson, R., Marder, E.,  R.D. Fields (2005)  The Neuron Doctrine, Redux.  Science 310: 791-793.

Fields, R.D, Lee, P.R., and J. Cohen (2005) Temporal integration of intracellular calcium signaling networks in regulating gene expression by action potentials. Cell Calcium 37: 433-442.

Fields, R.D. (2005) Making memories stick.  Scientific American  292 (February): 74-81.

Fields, R.D. (2005) Myelination: an overlooked mechanism of synaptic plasticity? Neuroscientist 11(6): 528-31.

Fields R.D., Lee P.R., Cohen J.E. (2005) Temporal integration of intracellular Ca2+ signaling networks in regulating gene expression by action potentials.  Cell Calcium37(5): 433-42.

Fields, R.D. (2004) The other half of the brain.  Scientific American 290(4) (April): 54-61.

Cohen, J.E. and R.D. Fields (2004) Extracellular calcium depletion in synaptic transmission.  The Neuroscientist  9: 12-17.

Stevens, B., Ishibashi, T., Chen, J.-F., and R.D. Fields (2004) Adenosine:  an activity-dependent axonal signal regulating MAP kinase and proliferation in developing Schwann cells.  Neuron Glia Biology 1:23-34.

Fields, R.D. (2004) Volume transmission in activity-dependent regulation of myelinating glia.  Neurochemistry International 45:503-509.

Klein, J.P., E.A. Tendi, Dib-Hajj, S.D., R.D. Fields, and S.G. Waxman (2003) Patterned electrical activity modulates sodium channel expression in sensory neurons.  J. Neuroscience Research 74: 192-198.

Stevens, B., S. Porta, L.L. Haak, V. Gallo, and R.D. Fields (2002) Adenosine:  A neuron-glial transmitter promoting myelination in the CNS in response to action potentials.  Neuron 36: 855-868.  [Featured in ScienceNatureJ. Cell Biol. and Neuron.]

Dudek, S. and R.D. Fields (2002) Somatic action potentials are sufficient for late-phase LTP-related cell signaling. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99: 3962-3967. [Faculty of 1000 rank 6 “recommended”]

Fields, R.D. and B. Stevens-Graham (2002) New views of neuron-glia communication.  Science 298: 556-562.

Stevens, B. and R.D. Fields. (2002) Regulation of the cell cycle in normal and pathological glia.  The Neuroscientist 8: 93-97.

Eshete, F., and R.D. Fields (2001) Spike frequency decoding by autonomous activation of CaMKII in DRG neurons.  J. Neuroscience 21: 6694-6705.

Olah, Z., T Szabo, L. Karai, C. Hough, R.D. Fields, R.M. Caudle, P.M. Blumberg, M.J. Iadarola (2001) Ligand-induced dynamic membrane changes and cell deletion conferred by vanilloid receptor 1.  J Biol. Chem.276: 11021-11030.

Dudek, M.S. and R.D. Fields (2001) Mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase activation in somatodendritic compartments:  Roles of action potentials, frequency and mode of calcium entry.  J. Neuroscience 21: RC122:1-5.

Prabhakar, N.R., R.D. Fields, T. Baker, and E.C. Fletcher (2001) Intermittent hypoxia:  cell to system.  Am. J. Physiol281: L524-L528.

Fields, R.D. and B. Stevens (2001) Glial-neuronal culture models — do we need to change the paradigms?  Trends in Neurosciences 24: 205-206.

Fields, R.D., F. Eshete, S. Dudek, N. Ozsarac, B. Stevens (2001) Regulation of gene expression by action potentials: Complexity in cellular information processing.  Novartis Foundation Symposium 239: 160-176.

Stevens, B. and R.D. Fields (2000) Action potentials regulate Schwann cell proliferation and development.  Science 287: 2267-2271.

Fields, R.D. and B. Stevens (2000) ATP in signaling between neurons and glia, Trends in Neuroscience 23: 625-633.

Fields, R.D. and N. Ozsarac (2000)  Gene chips:  Applications to neuroscience.  The Neuroscientist 6: 310-314.

Zalc, B., and R.D. Fields (2000) Do action potentials regulate myelination?  The Neuroscientist 6: 5-13.

Dudek, S. and R.D. Fields (1999) Gene expression in hippocampal long-term potentiation.  The Neuroscientist 5: 275-279.

Bounanno, A, and R.D. Fields (1999) Patterned electrical activity and gene regulation in neural development. Current Opinion Neurobiology 9: 110-120.

Fields, R.D., M. E. Schwab, and J. Silver (1999)  Does myelin inhibit regeneration in the CNS?  The Neuroscientist 5: 12-18.

Corness, J., B. Stevens, R.D. Fields, and T. Hokfelt (1998) NGF and LIF both regulate galanin gene expression in primary DRG cultures.    Neuroreport 9: 1533-1536.

Stevens, B., S. Tanner, and R.D. Fields (1998) Control of myelination by specific patterns of neural impulses.  J. Neuroscience 15: 9303-9311.

Fields, R.D. (1998)  Effects of ion channel activity on development of DRG neurons.  J. Neurobiology 37: 158-170.

Fields, R.D. (1998) Clostridial neurotoxins in synaptic research.  The Neuroscientist 4: 324-328.

Fields, R.D. (1998) Neural cell adhesion molecules: Implications for neurological disease.  The Neuroscientist 4: 4-8.

Fields, R.D., F. Eshete, B. Stevens, K. Itoh (1997) Action potential-dependent regulation of gene expression:  Temporal specificity in Ca++, CREB, and MAP kinase signaling.  J. Neuroscience 17: 7252-7266.

Itoh, K., M. Ozaki, B. Stevens, and R.D. Fields (1997) Activity-dependent regulation of N-cadherin in DRG neurons:  Differential regulation of N-cadherin, NCAM, and L1 by distinct patterns of action potentials.  J. Neurobiology 33: 735-748.

Li, M., M. Jia, R.D. Fields, P.G. Nelson (1996) Modulation of calcium currents by electrical activity. J. Neurophysiology 76: 2595-2607.

Fields, R.D. and K. Itoh (1996) Neural cell adhesion molecules in activity-dependent development and synaptic plasticity.  Trends Neurosciences 19: 473-480.

Fields, R.D. (1996) Signaling from neural impulses to genes. The Neuroscientist 2: 315-325.

Itoh, K., B. Stevens, M. Schachner and R.D. Fields (1995) Regulation of the neural cell adhesion molecule L1 by specific patterns of neural impulses.  Science 270: 1369-1372.

Liu, Y., R.D. Fields, B.W. Festoff, and P.G. Nelson (1994) Proteolytic action of thrombin is required for electrical activity-dependent synapse reduction.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 91: 10200-10203.

Fields, R.D. (1994)  Regulation of neurite outgrowth and immediate early gene expression by patterned electrical stimulation.  Prog. in Brain Res102: 125-136.

Fields, R.D. and P.G. Nelson (1994) Resonant activation of calcium signal transduction in neurons.  J. Neurobiology 25(3): 281-293.

Nelson, P.G. and R.D. Fields (1994) Calcium and neuronal plasticity.  J. Neurobiology 25: 219.

Liu, Y., Fields, R.D., S. Fitzgerald, B.W. Festoff, and P.G. Nelson (1994) Proteolytic activity, synapse elimination and the Hebb synapse.  J. Neurobiology 25(3): 325-335.

Nelson, P.G., R.D. Fields, and Y. Liu (1994) Neural activity, neuron-glia relations and synapse development. Perspect. Devel. Neurobiol2: 399-407.

Fields, R.D. and P.G. Nelson (1994) Growth cone collapse in response to electrical activity, cell contact, and diffusible factors.  Physiol. Chem. and Physics and NMR26(1): 23-57.

Lin, P.-X., R.D. Fields and D. Agoston (1993) Effects of electrical stimulation on GAP-43 expression in mouse sensory neurons.  Dev. Brain Res.  76: 95-103.

Nelson, P.G., R.D. Fields, C. Yu, and Y. Liu (1993) Synapse elimination from the mouse neuromuscular junction in vitro: a non-Hebbian activity-dependent process. J. Neurobiology 24: 1517-1530.

Fields, R.D., P.G. Guthrie, J. T. Russell, S.B. Kater, B.S. Malhotra and P.G. Nelson (1993) Accommodation of mouse DRG growth cones to electrically induced collapse: Kinetic analysis of calcium transients and set-point theory.  J. Neurobiology 24(8): 1080-1098.

Fields, R.D., T.H. Bullock, and G.D. Lange (1993) Ampullary sense organs, peripheral central and behavioral electroreception in chimaeras (Hydrolagus, Holocephali, Chondrichthyes).  Brain Behav. Evolution 41: 269-289.

Sheng, H.Z., R.D. Fields and P.G. Nelson (1993) Specific regulation of immediate early genes by patterned neuronal activity.  J. Neuroscience Res.  35: 459-467.

Fields, R.D., C. Yu and P.G. Nelson (1991) Calcium, network activity, and the role of NMDA channels in synaptic plasticity in vitro.  J. Neuroscience 11:134-146.

Fields, R.D., E.A. Neale and P.G. Nelson (1990) Effects of patterned electrical activity on neurite outgrowth from mouse sensory neurons.  J. Neuroscience 10: 2950-2964.

Nelson, P.G, R.D. Fields, C. Yu and E.A. Neale (1990) Mechanisms involved in activity-dependent synapse formation in mammalian central nervous system cell culture.  J. Neurobiology 21: 138-156.

Nelson, P.G., C. Yu, R.D. Fields and E.A. Neale (1989) Competition between convergent inputs in vitro: Electrical activity modulates efficacy and number of synapses.  Science 244: 585-587.

Fields, R.D., J. Lebeau, F. Longo and M.H. Ellisman (1989) Nerve regeneration through artificial tubular implants.  Progress in Neurobiology 33: 87-134.

Fields, R.D., and M.H. Ellisman (1988) Functionally significant plasticity of synaptic morphology: studies on the ribbon synapses of the ampullae of Lorenzini.  Neuroscience 25: 705-720.

Fields, R.D. and S.G. Waxman (1988) Regional membrane heterogeneity in premyelinated CNS axons: factors influencing the binding of sterol-specific probes.  Brain Research 443: 231-242.

Black, J.A., R.D. Fields, and S.G. Waxman (1988) Macromolecular structure of axonal membrane in the optic nerve of the jimpy mouse.  J. Neuropath. Exp. Neurol47: 588-598.

Demski, L.S. and R.D. Fields (1988) Dense-cored vesicle-containing components of the terminal nerve of sharks and rays.  J. Comp. Neurol278: 604-614.

Kingerey, W.S., R.D. Fields and J.D. Kocsis (1988) Diminished dorsal root GABA sensitivity following chronic peripheral nerve injury.  Experimental Neurology 100: 478-490.

Fields, R.D., M.H. Ellisman, and S.G. Waxman (1987) Changes in synaptic morphology associated with presynaptic and postsynaptic activity: An in vitro study of the electrosensory organ of the thornback ray.  Synapse 1: 335-346.

Demski, L.S., R.D. Fields, T.H. Bullock, M.P. Schreibman and H. Margolis-Nunno (1987) The terminal nerve of sharks and rays: EM, immunocytochemical and electrophysiological studies.  Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences Vol. 519: 15-32.

Fields, R.D., J.A. Black, and S.G. Waxman (1987) Filipin-cholesterol binding in CNS axons prior to myelination: evidence for microheterogeneity in premyelinated axolemma.  Brain Research 404: 21-32.

Fields, R.D., J.A. Black, C.M. Bowe, J.D. Kocsis and S.G. Waxman (1986) Differences in IMP distribution in the paranodal axolemma are not associated with functional differences of dorsal and ventral roots.   Neuroscience Letters.  67: 13-18.

Fields, R.D., and M.H. Ellisman (1986) Axons regenerated through silicone tube splices: I.  Conduction properties.  Experimental Neurology 92: 48-60.

Fields, R.D., and M.H. Ellisman (1986) Axons regenerated through silicone tube splices: II. Functional Morphology.  Experimental Neurology 92: 61-74.

Fields, R.D. (1985) Structural and functional plasticity of the ribbon synapse in the ampullae of Lorenzini.  Doctoral Dissertation, University of California, San Diego.

Fields, R.D., and M.H. Ellisman (1985) Synaptic morphology and differences in sensitivity.  Science 228: 197-199.

Bullock, T.H., J. Moore, and R.D. Fields (1984) The evolution of myelin sheaths:  Both lamprey and hagfish lack myelin.  Neuroscience Letters  48: 145-148.

Fields, R.D. (1982) Electroreception in the ratfish: Anatomical, behavioral and physiological studies.  M.A. thesis, San Jose State University, California.

Fields, R.D., and G.D. Lange (1980) Electroreception in the ratfish (Hydrolagus colliei).  Science 207: 547-548.


Books and Book Chapters

Fields, R.D. (2016) Why We Snap, Dutton, NY.

Fields, R.D. (2014) NIH policy:  mandate goes too far.  Nature.  510: 340.

Fields, R.D. (2014) Vive la difference.  Requiring medical researchers to test males and females in every experiment sounds reasonable, but it is a bad idea.  Scientific American  311: 14.

Fields, R.D. (2013)  Regulation of myelination by functional activity.  Chapter in Neuroglia, H. Kettenmann and B.R. Ransom (eds), 3rd edition. Oxford University Press, Oxford, p. 573-585.

Fields, R.D. (2013)  Vertebrate nervous system Development, Chapter 1184, in The Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, 2nd Edition, M.J. Aminoff and R.B. Daroff (Eds.)  Elsevier, Inc. San Diego.

Fields, R.D. (2012) L’Altro Cervello.  Espress edizion, Torino, Italy.

Fields, R.D. (2011)  The Other Brain (paperback edition), Simon and Schuster, N.Y.

Fields, R.D. (2011) Drugi Mózg  Prózyński Media, Warszawa, Poland.

Fields, R.D. (2011) Glial Cells, In Encyclopedia of Human Behavior, 2nd edition, Elsevier Press, Oxford, England (in press).

Fields, R.D., and VanHook, A.M. (2010) Podcast:  A nonvesicular, nonsynaptic form of communication between axons and neighboring cells may play a role under normal conditions and in disease.  Science Signaling 3, 147 pc20.

Fields, R.D. (2010)  The Other Brain, Simon and Schuster, N.Y.

Fields, R.D. (2009) The Other Brain, Kindle Edition, Simon and Schuster, NY.

Fields, R.D. (2009) Schwann cells and axon relationship, in Developmental Neurobiology, Greg     Lemke, (ed.), p. 293-297, Academic Press, London, UK.

Fields, R.D. (2009)  Purinergic signaling in astrocyte function and interactions with neurons.  In Astrocytes in Patholophysiology of the Nervous System, V. Parpura and P.G. Haydon (eds).  p, 443-460, Springer Press.

Fields, R.D. (2008)  Beyond the Synapse:  Cell-Cell Signaling in Synaptic Plasticity, Cambridge University Press.  Cambridge England, ISBN 978-0-521-86914-0.

Fields, R.D. and Bukalo, O. (2008)  Signaling to the nucleus in long-term memory.  In Beyond the Synapse, R. D. Fields (ed.) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England pp. 169-178.

Fields, R.D. (2008) Activity-dependent myelination. In Beyond the Synapse, R.D. Fields (ed.) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge England pp. 36-42.

Fields, R.D. (2008) Schwann cell interactions with axons.  In:  The Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, L. Squire (ed.), Academic Press, Oxford.

Fields, R.D. (2006)  Purinergic Signaling in Neuron-Glia Interactions.  Wiley, Press, Novartis Symposium 276.

Fields, R.D. (2001) Development of the vertebrate nervous system. The Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences, Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 643-651.

Fields, R.D. (2000) Multicompartment cell culture chambers J.D. Kocsis (ed.) Electrophysiological Methods for the Study of the Mammalian Nervous System, Appleton and Lange.

Fields, R.D. (1998)  Cell adhesion molecules in activity-dependent plasticity.  In:  Immunoglobulin  superfamily adhesion molecules in neural development, regeneration, and disease. P. Sonderegger, (Ed.), Harwood Academic Publishers pp. 205-234.

Fields, R.D. and M.J. O’Donovan (1997) Imaging activity of the nervous system. Current Protocols in Neuroscience, John Wiley, New York, pp. 2.3.1 – 2.3.12.

Nelson, P.G. and R.D. Fields (1995) Developmental plasticity of the brain:  Problems and solutions in dynamic imaging of the synaptic bouton.  In: T. Hiruma (ed.) Biomolecular Mechanisms and Photonics:  Cell-Cell Communication.

Fields, R.D. and P.G. Nelson (1994) Role of electrical activity in synapse formation.  In: D.A. Stenger and T.M. McKenna (Eds.), Enabling Technologies for Cultured Neural Networks, Academic Press, Inc., San Diego, pp. 237-260.

Fields, R.D. and P.G. Nelson (1992) Activity-dependent development of the vertebrate nervous system.  In: J.R. Smythies and R.J. Bradley (Eds.), International Review of Neurobiology, Vol. 34,  Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 133-214.

Fields, R.D., C. Yu, E.A. Neale and P.G. Nelson (1992) Recording chambers in cell culture. In Electrophysiological Methods for In Vitro Studies in Vertebrate Neurobiology.  H. Kettenmann and R. Grantyn (eds.), Alan R. Liss, N.Y., pp. 67-76.

Neale, E.A., S.C. Fitzgerald, L.M. Bowers, C. Yu, R.D. Fields and P.G. Nelson (1990) Multicompartment cell cultures for studies of neuronal interactions.  Methods in Neuroscience Vol. 4, Electrophysiology and Microinjection, P. Michael Conn (Ed).  Academic Press, Inc.

Popular Science Articles

by R. Douglas Fields


Scientific American

Feature Articles

Fields, R.D. (2004)  The Other Half of the Brain.  Scientific American 290(4) (April) 54-61.

Fields, R.D. (2005) Making Memories Stick.  Scientific American 292 (February), 74-81.

Fields, R.D. (2007)  The Shark’s Electric Sense.  Scientific American, August 1, 2007.

Fields, R.D. (2008)  White Matter Matters, Scientific American, March 1, 2008.

Fields, R.D. (2009)  New Culprits in Chronic Pain.  Scientific American, November 1, 2009

Fields, R.D. (2012)  Raising the Dead:  New Species of Life Resurrected from Ancient Andean Tomb.  Scientific American News, February 19, 2012.

Fields, R.D. (2016)  Obscure Nerve in the Head May be Important to Arousal.  Scientific American, March 1, 2016.


Other Article Formats, Scientific American

Fields, R.D. (2004) Einstein’s Brain.  Scientific American 290 (July) p. 12.  (letter).

Fields, R.D. (2007)  New Brain Cells Go to Work.  Mind Matters Scientific American, August 1, 2007.


Fields, R.D. (2008)  Into Thin Air:  Mountain Climbing Kills Brain Cells Scientific American

Fields, R.D. (2008) Climbing Mountains Kills Brain Cells.  Mind Matters Scientific American

Fields, R.D. (2008)  Are Whales Smarter than We Are?  Mind Matters Scientific American, January 15, 2008.

Fields, R.D. (2008)  Mind Control by Cell Phones.  Scientific American , May 7, 2008,

Fields, R.D. (2008)  Disease of Development?  Scientific American, 299: July, 10.

Fields, R.D. (2009) Serendipitous Science.  Mind Matters Scientific American, Jan 6.

Fields, R.D. (2009)  Sex and the Secret Nerve.   Scientific American, Special Issue on Science of Sexuality (in press).

Fields, R.D. (2009) Watching the Brain Learn. Scientific American, Mind Matters, November 24, 2009.

Fields, R.D. (2010)  Of Two Minds:  Listener brain patterns mirror those of the speaker.  Scientific American, July 27, 2010.

Fields, R.D. (2010)  Left-sided Cancer:  Blame Your Bed and TV?  Scientific American, July 2, 2010.

Fields, R.D. (2010)  Michelangelo’s Secret Message in the Sistine Chapel:  A Juxtaposition of God and The Human Brain.  Scientific American, May 27, 2010.

Fields, R.D.  (2010) Why Can Some Blind People Process Speech Far Faster than Sighted Persons.  Scientific American News, Dec 13, 2010.

Fields, R.D.  (2010) Glia:  The New Frontier in Brain Science.  Scientific American, Nov 4, 2010.    

Fields, R.D.  (2011) Curing Paralysis—Again.  Scientific American, May 20, 2011.–again-2011-05-20

Fields, R.D. (2011)  Can Politicians be Trusted with Science?  Scientific American, August 31, 2011.

Fields, R.D.  (2011)  Genius across Cultures and the “Google Brain.”  Scientific American, August 20, 2011.

Fields, R.D. (2011)  Surety Bond:  Breast-Feeding May Increase Children’s IQ  Scientific American News, November 16, 2011.

Fields, R.D.  (2011) A Pill to Remember. Scientific American, March 4, 2011.

Fields, R.D. (2011)  Preliminary Human Experiments to Test Safety of Nerve Cell Transplants for Spinal Cord Paralysis.  Scientific American News, October 19, 2011.

Fields, R.D. (2011)  Amping Up Brain Function:  Transcranial Stimulation Shows Promise in Speeding Up Learning.  Scientific American, November 25, 2011.

Fields, R.D. (2012)  Why Does a Southern Drawl Sound Uneducated to Some?  Scientific American, December 7, 2012,

Fields, R.D. (2012)  Green Fireworks Environmentally Safe, That Is.  Scientific American, July 4, 2012.

Fields, R.D. (2012) Drilling for Oil in Eden:  Initiative to Save Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador is Uncertain.  Scientific American, March 17, 2012.

Fields, R.D. (2012)  The Power of Music:  Mind Control by Rhythmic Sound.  Scientific American, October 18, 2012.

Fields, R.D. (2013)  Brain Stimulation Can Control Compliance with Social Norms.  Scientific American, October 3, 2013.

Fields, R.D. (2013)  How to Erase Bad Memories.  Scientific American November 25, 2013,

Fields, R.D. (2013)  Creativity, Madness and Drugs.  Scientific American, November 22, 2013.

Fields, R.D. (2013)  Human Brain Cells Make Mice Smart.  Scientific American March 7, 2013

Fields, R.D. (2014)  Testing Males and Females in Every Medical Experiment is a Bad Idea.  Scientific American, September 1, 2014.

Fields, R.D. (2015)  How a Neurotoxin in Crabs Causes Brain Damage.  Scientific American, November 16, 2015.

Fields, R.D. (2015)  Burying Political Hatchets to Fight Alzheimer’s Disease.  Scientific American, July 23, 2015.

Fields, R.D. (2015)  Why Binge Drinking May Wire the Brain for Alcohol Dependence.  Scientific American, October 23, 2015.



Scientific American Mind

Feature Articles

Fields, R.D. (2005) Erasing Memories.  Scientific American Mind, November 16:28-37.

Fields, R.D. (2006)  Beyond the neuron doctrine.  Scientific American Mind, June/July.

Fields, R.D. (2007)  Sex and the Secret Nerve, Scientific American Mind, 18:20-27.

Fields, R.D. (2011) The Hidden Brain, Scientific American Mind, May/June, 2011: 53-59.

Fields, R.D. (2016)  How We Learn When No  One Is Watching.  Scientific American Mind, (in press).


Other Article Formats, Scientific American MIND

Fields, R.D. (2006)  Meditations on the Brain  Scientific American Mind, Feb/March 17:42-43.

Fields, R.D. (2007)  The Spaces between.  Scientific American Mind, October/November 18:8.

Fields, R.D. (2007)  The Case of the Loud Eyeballs.  Scientific American Mind, Feb/Mar 18:12-13.

Fields, R.D. (2007)  New Brain Cells Go to Work.  Scientific American Mind, Aug/Sept. 18:30-35.

Fields, R.D. (2007)  My Nervy Valentine. Scientific American Mind, Feb/Mar 18: 6-7.

Fields, R.D. (2008)  Call Me Sleepless.  Scientific American Mind 19(4), Aug/Sept. 6.

Fields, R.D. (2008)  Brain Cells into Thin Air.  Scientific American Mind April/May, p. 18-19.

Fields, R.D. (2009)  Inhale or Don’t?:  Marijuana hurts some, helps others.  Scientific American Mind, 20(5) September/October p. 17.

Fields, R.D. (2010)  Money Buys Unhappiness  Scientific American Mind,  Sept/Oct 2010 p 12.

Fields, R.D.  (2011) Marijuana and Maleness  Scientific American Mind, Mar 24, 2011.

Fields, R.D. (2013)  Stimulating the Brain with Microscopic Magnets.  Scientific American MIND, January 1, 2013.

Fields, R.D. (2013)  Scientists Identify Neurons that Register Itch.  Scientific American MIND, May 1, 2013.

Fields, R.D. (2016)  Does TV Rot Your Brain?  Scientific American MIND,  January 1, 2016.



TIME Magazine

Fields, R.D. (2016)  The Science of Why People ‘Snap’ in Anger, TIME Magazine, January 14, 2016.


The Washington Post

Fields, R.D. (2007) Guitar Hero, Washington Post Magazine Sept. 9, 18-21.


Outside Magazine

Fields, R.D. (2009)  Are the Mountains Killing Your Brain?  Outside Magazine, October, p. 90-93.



The Daily Beast

Fields, R.D. (2016)  This Is Your Brain on This Election.  The Daily Beast, January 17, 2016.


The Independent

Fields, R.D.  (2016) Why We Are Prone to Sudden ‘Snaps’ of Rage and What We Can Do to Control Them.  Independent, February, 2016.



Fields, R.D. Map the Other Brain.  Nature, September 4, 2013.

Fields, R.D. NIH policy:  Mandate Goes Too Far.  Nature June 18, 2014



Huffington Post

Fields, R.D. (2010)  Michelangelo’s Secret Message in the Sistine Chapel.  Huffington Post May 26, 2010

Fields, R.D. (2010) A Novel Way to Improve Memory. Huffington Post, November 12, 1010.

Fields, R.D. (2010)  Left-sided Cancer:  Blame your Bed and TV?  Huffington Post, July 29, 2010–should_b_629572.html

Fields, R.D. (2010)  Of Two Minds on Morality.  Huffington Post, October 1, 2010

Fields, R.D. (2010)  Who Has More Out-of-Body, Near-Death Experiences:  Atheists, Catholics, or Muslims?  Huffington Post, August 3, 2010

Fields, R.D. (2010)  Tongue Piercings Could Lead to Severe Brain Infections.  The Huffington Post, May 6, 2010.

Fields, R.D. (2010) Volcanoes:  Nature’s Toxic Smokestacks.  The Huffington Post, April 30, 2010

Fields, R.D. (2010)  Flame retardants:  Extinguishers of Brain Development?  The Huffington Post, March 27, 2010

Fields, R.D. (2010)  New Suspect in Gulf War Syndrome. The Huffington Post, March 3, 2010

Fields, R.D. (2010)  Amy Bishop’s Science—Scientific Studies by the Professor Accused in the Huntsville Faculty Murders.  The Huffington Post, February 22, 2010

Fields, R.D. (2010)  Nightmares in PTSD:  Don’t Get Your Blood Pressure Up.  The Huffington Post, February 8, 2010

Fields, R.D.  (2010) Brain Health:  How Exercise Can Stimulate the Birth of New Neurons.  Huffington Post, December 4, 2010.

Fields, R.D.  (2010) A Novel Way to Improve Memory.  Huffington Post, November 12, 1010.

Fields, R.D.  (2011) Obama’s Vision of National Security, Science, and Children.  Huffington Post, February 23, 2011.

Fields, R.D.  (2011) For men only:  Why Roses Work.  Huffington Post,  February 11, 2011.

Fields, R.D.  (2011) Rudeness is a Neurotoxin.  Huffington Post, January 5, 2011.

Fields, R.D. (2011)  Alarming Increase in Fatal Shark Attacks World-Wide:  Science Cuts through the Hysteria for Answers.  The Huffington Post, October 31, 2011.

Fields, R.D. (2011)  Spice Up Your Memory  The Huffington Post, July 27, 2011.

Fields, R.D.  (2011)  Brain Aging:  The Truth is Skin Deep  Huffington Post June 17,2011.

Fields, R.D. (2011) Nerve Cell Transplants for Spinal Cord Paralysis:  Human Experiments Will Test Their Safety.  The Huffington Post, October 20, 2011

Fields, R.D. (2012)  Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria from the Fukushima Nuclear Accident?  The Huffington Post, January 9, 2012.

Fields, R.D. (2012)  Is God in the Brain?  The Huffington Post, March 5, 2012.

Fields, R.D. (2012)  Cancer Related to Risk of Heart Attack and Suicide.  The Huffington Post, April 16, 2012.

Fields, R.D. (2012)  Logic Quashes Religious Belief, New Study Finds.  The Huffington Post, April 26, 2012.

Fields, R.D. (2012)  Bone Density May Predict Cognitive Decline.  The Huffington Post, June 22, 2012.

Fields, R.D. (2012)  Olympic Differences in the Way Men and Women Move.  The Huffington Post, August 5, 2012.

Fields, R.D. (2012)  Social Interaction in Early Life Affects Wiring to the Frontal Lobes.  The Huffington Post, September 13, 2012.

Fields, R.D. (2012)  The Power of Handshake.  The Huffington Post, October 18, 2012.

Fields, R.D. (2012)  50 Shades of Grey in Scientific Publication:  How Digital Publishing is Harming Science.  The Huffington Post, November 19, 2012.

Fields, R.D. (2012)  Eyes of the Blind Transmit Messages to the Brain Subconsciously.  The Huffington Post, December 11, 2012.

Fields, R.D. (2013)  Thinking with Your Body.  The Huffington Post, January 11, 2013.

Fields, R.D. (2013)  Unusual Brain Cell (Astrocytes) Boost Learning.  The Huffington Post, March 8, 2013.

Fields, R.D. (2013)  Low T (Testosterone):  Where’s the Beef?  The Huffington Post, March 21, 2013.

Fields, R.D. (2013)  Scientists Target and Block a Specific Memory.  The Huffington Post, May 29, 2013.

Fields, R.D. (2013)  The Collapse of Science, Not Housing, Ended the American Dream.  The Huffington Post, June 11, 2013.

Fields, R.D. (2013)  Brain Damage Caused by Drinking Alcohol Could be Reversed by Aerobic Exercise.  The Huffington Post, September 4, 2013.

Fields, R.D. (2013)  Inside Boehner’s Brain:  A Neuroscience Perspective.  The Huffington Post, January 23, 2014.

Fields, R.D. (2013)  23and GUVMT — Health and Safety or What?  An Antiestablishment Perspective.  The Huffington Post, February 12, 2014.

Fields, R.D. (2014)  Taking a Bite Out of the Shark Suit.  The Huffington Post, August 31, 2014.

Fields, R.D. (2015)  The Neuroscience of Witches.  The Huffington Post, October 29, 2015.

Fields, R.D. (2016)  Death by Human Behavior.  The Huffington Post, April 15, 206.

Fields, R.D. (2016)  How the Brain Limited the Size of Dinosaurs.  The Huffington Post, June 5, 2016.




Fields, R.D. (2016) Why We Snap at Work, LinkedIn, January 21, 2016



Odyssey Magazine (A science magazine for school children, now merged into Muse)

Fields. R.D. (2004)  Mysterious Cells Found in the Brain of a Genius.  Odyssey (educational magazine), October issue, p. 22-26.

Fields, R. D. (2004) Breaking the Brain Code.  Odyssey (educational magazine) October issue, p. 27-29.

Fields, R.D. (2006) Unforgettable.  Odyssey November, 38-40.

Fields, R.D. (2006) The Uncontrollables:  Blushing, Bawling, and (Goose) Bumps.  Odyssey, November, 18-23.

Fields, R.D. (2008)  Erasing Memory Odyssey, May/June 6-11

Fields, R.D. (2008)  Lost, Odyssey May/June 12-15.

Fields, R.D.  (2011) Build Your Brain!  Odyssey Magazine.  March, 42-43, 2011.

Fields, R.D.  (2011) No One above You:  An Interview with a Mountain Climber, Melissa Arnot  p. 10-14 Odyssey Magazine,        February, 2011.

Fields, R.D. (2011) Hurtful Words Damage the Brain, p. 38, Odyssey Magazine, February, 2011.





Fields R.D. (2012)  The Subconscious Mind and Extrasensory Perception.  BrainFacts, December 10, 2012.

Fields, R.D. (2012)  Just Itching to Know.  BrainFacts, December 28, 2012.

Fields, R.D. (2013)  Take a Break—How Your Brain Decides When to “Take Five,” BrainFacts, January 21, 2013.

Fields, R.D. (2013)  “Brainy” Mice with Human Brain Cells:  Chimeras of Mice and Men.  BrainFacts, Marcy 7, 2013.

Fields, R.D. (2013)  Recognizing the Face of a Murderer, BrainFacts, April 7, 2013.

Fields, R.D. (2013)  On Boylston Street.  BrainFacts, April, 24, 2013.

Fields, R.D. (2013)  Changing Your Mind:  Scientists Disrupt Specific Memories in People.  BrainFacts, May 25, 2013.

Fields, R.D. (2013)  The Collapse of Science, Not Housing, Ended the American Dream.  BrainFacts, June 14, 2013.

Fields, R.D. (2013)  Neuroscience.  BrainFacts, July 5, 2013.

Fields, R.D. (2013)  Map the Brain—Not Just Neurons.  BrainFacts, September 6, 2013.

Fields, R.D. (2013)  Neural Circuits of Fair Play Discovered in the Human Brain.  BrainFacts, October 3, 2013.

Fields, R.D. (2013)  To Kill a Crying Baby.  BrainFacts, October 29, 2013.

Fields, R.D. (2013)  Why Girls are More Vulnerable to Maltreatment.  BrainFacts, November 6, 2013.

Fields, R.D. (2013)  Creativity, Madness and Drugs.  BrainFacts, November 25, 2013.

Fields, R.D. (2013)  Wipe Out Fearful Memories.  BrainFacts, December 4, 2013.

Fields, R.D. (2013)  Ladies out of Luck:  FDA Blocks “Female Viagra.”  BrainFacts, December 15, 2013.

Fields, R.D. (2014)  Sex in Science:  The NIH Gets it Wrong?  BrainFacts, May 17, 2014.

Fields, R.D. (2014)  Lightning in Your Brain.  BrainFacts, May 23, 2014.

Fields, R.D. (2014)  The Lone Wolf Delusion.  BrainFacts, May 28, 2014.

Fields, R.D. (2014)  Why Girls Like Guys Who Kayak.  BrainFacts, June 12, 2014.

Fields, R.D. (2014)  Sharks use ESP.  BraiFacts, August 20, 2014.

Fields, R.D. (2014)  Ebola on the Brain.  BrainFacts, October 13, 2014.

Fields, R.D. (2014)  The Brain’s White Matter—Learning beyond Synapses.  BrainFacts, October 16, 2014.

Fields, R.D. (2014)  NPR’s ‘Car Talk’ Co-host Dies of Alzheimer’s.  BrainFacts, November 6, 2014.

Fields, R.D. (2014)  How is the Brain Like a Guitar?  Hint:  It is All about Rhythm.  BrainFacts, December 7, 2014.

Fields, R.D. (2014)  The Absurdity of “Medical Marijuana.”  BrainFacts, December 20, 2014.

Fields, R.D. (2015)  Neuroscience of ‘Under the Skin,’ Starring Scarlett Johansson.  BrainFacts, January 13, 2015.

Fields, R.D. (2015)  Poisoned Synapses not Crocodile Bile the Likely Killer of Mozambique Beer Drinkers.  BrainFacts, January 26, 2015.

Fields, R.D. (2015)  Brian Williams ‘False Memory’—a Neuroscience Perspective.  BrainFacts, February 5, 2015.

Fields, R.D. (2015)  Big Brains/Little Brain:  Whale Brains Provide Clues to Cognition.  BrainFacts, March 17, 2015.

Fields, R.D. (2015)  Snakes on the Brain.  BrainFacts, April 4, 2015.

Fields, R.D. (2015)  The Kathmandu Earthquake Will Alter Brain Structure of Survivors.  BrainFacts, April 26, 2015.

Fields, R.D. (2015)  Heisenberg Uncertainty and the Baltimore Riots.  BrainFacts, May 2, 2015.

Fields, R.D. (2015)  Watching TV Alters Children’s Brain Structure and Lowers IQ.  BrainFacts, May 4, 2015.

Fields, R.D. (2015)  Bruce Jenner and Changing Your Brain’s Sex.  BrainFacts, June 20, 2015.

Fields, R.D. (2015)  To Flee or Freeze?  Neural Circuits of Threat Detection Identified.  BrainFacts, June 26, 2015.

Fields, R.D. (2015)  Why No One Helped.  BrainFacts, July 20, 2015.

Fields, R.D. (2015)  Alzheimer’s Disease—America’s Tsunami.  BrainFacts, July 24, 2015.

Fields, R.D. (2015)  What’s in Your Nightmares?  The Top 5 Recurring Dreams of Adults and Kids.  BrainFacts, September 29, 2015.

Fields, R.D. (2015)  New Discovery Explains Why Binge Drinking Leads to Alcohol Dependence and Suggests New Treatments.  BrainFacts, October 26, 2015.

Fields, R.D. (2015)  The Neuroscience of Witches.  BrainFacts, October 30, 2015.

Fields, R.D. (2015)  “You Don’t Have Time to Think.”  Heroic Veteran Capt. Florent Groberg’s Selfless Action.  BrainFacts, November 11, 2015.

Fields, R.D. (2015)  How the Neurotoxin in Dungeness Crab Causes Brain Damage.  BrainFacts, November 13, 2015.

Fields, R.D. (2015)  The Taste of Thanksgiving.  BrainFacts, November 25, 2015.

Fields, R.D. (2016)  Meldonium, Tennis Star Maria Sharapova’s Performance-enhancing Drug Explained.  BrainFacts, Marcy 10, 2016.

Fields, R.D. (2016)  Marijuana Use Causes 7-Fold Increased Risk of Violent Behavior.  BrainFacts, March 20, 2016.

Fields, R.D. (2016)  Begging for Food from Mr. President and the First Lady.  BrainFacts, April 14, 2016.

Fields, R.D. (2016)  The Neuroscience of Violence.  BrainFacts, April 29, 2016.

Fields, R.D. (2016)  Listening with Light:  Deaf Can Hear Using Lasers.  BrainFacts, May 15, 2016.

Fields, R.D. (2016)  Neuroscience Explains Why Dinosaurs Couldn’t Get Any Bigger.  BrainFacts, June 7, 2016.

Fields, R.D. (2016)  Tracking Dinosaur Intelligence:  What Fossil Footprints Reveal about the Dinosaur’s Brain.  BrainFacts, June 28, 2016.

Fields, R.D. (2016)  The Neuroscience of Violence, Again.  BrainFacts, July 12, 2016.




Psychology Today

Fields, R.D. (2009)  Glia:  The Other Brain.  Psychology Today, December 15, 2009

Fields, R.D. (2009)  Baby Blues—A Search beyond Neurons.  Psychology Today, December 21, 2009 on-line.

Fields, R.D. (2010)  Who Have More Out-of-Body Near-Death-Experiences—Atheists, Catholics, or Muslims?  Psychology Today July 26, 2010

Fields, R.D. (2010)  Money Buys Unhappiness, Proven in a New Study  Psychology Today  May 23, 2010

Fields, R.D. (2010)  Mirror Image People—Are Lefties Different?  Psychology Today July 11, 2010

Fields, R.D. (2010)  Acupuncture Works—Sort of.  Psychology Today Sept. 27, 2010

Fields, R.D. (2010)  Festering Brain Infection—Piercing the Illusion of Safety.  Psychology Today, May 3 2010, on-line

Fields, R.D. (2010)  The Fountain of Youth in a Cup of Coffee—Ladies Only.  Psychology Today March 18, 2010

Fields, R.D. (2010)  Is Captivity Driving Killer Whales Mad?  Psychology Today, February 28, 2010 on-line

Fields, R.D. (2010) Amy Bishop’s Science—Scientific studies by the Professor Accused in the Huntsville Faculty Murders.  Psychology Today, February 21, 2010 on-line

Fields, R.D. (2010)  Hidden effects of Prozac—Antidepressant Actions beyond Neurons  Psychology Today, February 11, 2010 on-line

Fields, R.D. (2010) Hidden effects of Prozac—Antidepressant actions beyond Neurons Psychology Today, February 11, 2010 on-line

Fields, R.D.  (2010) Sticks and Stones—Hurtful Words Damage the Brain.  Psychology Today, October 30, 2010.

Fields, R.D.  (2010) Nostalgia is a Double-Edged Sword.  Looking through Rose Colored Glasses—Does Nostalgia Make You Old?  Psychology Today December 31, 2010.

Fields, R.D.  (2011) Why We Prefer Certain Colors.  Psychology Today  April 1, 2011.

Fields, R.D. (2011)  The Deadliest Disorder:  There is Nothing Wrong with Me.  Psychology Today March 11, 1011.

Fields, R.D.  (2011) Shocking Anniversary.  Shock Therapy—New Insights 77 Years after the First Experiment.   Psychology Today  January 23, 2011.

Fields, R.D. (2011)  Brain Wiring   Psychology Today, June 21, 2011

Fields, R.D. (2011)  Search for the Genius Gene.  Psychology Today,  September 26, 2011  http://’

Fields, R.D. (2011)  Eat Your Guts Out:  Why Envy Hurts and Why It’s Good for your Brain Psychology Today, September 12, 2011  http://’

Fields, R.D. (2011)  The Top Four False Beliefs about Memory.  Psychology Today, November 12, 2011.

Fields, R.D. (2011)  Diversity Promotes Selfishness–Forced Integration is the Answer.  Psychology Today, December 19, 2011.

Fields, R.D. (2012)  Obesity Caused by Non-Neuronal Cells (Glia) in the Brain.  Psychology Today, April 4, 2012.

Fields, R.D. (2012)  Cocaine Shrinks the Brain.  Psychology Today, April 24, 2012.

Fields, R.D. (2012)  Religion and Reason.  Psychology Today, April 26, 2012.

Fields, R.D. (2012)  Avoiding Collisions:  The Unconscious Mind at Work.  Psychology Today, August 6, 2012.

Fields, R.D. (2012)  What Does it Take to Succeed in School?  Psychology Today, September 6, 2012.

Fields, R.D. (2012)  Knowing Your Fate. Psychology Today, October 28, 2012.

Fields, R.D. (2012)  Cognitive Enhancement without Drugs.  Psychology Today, December 29, 2012.

Fields, R.D. (2013)  A Tickling Way to Reduce Fear.  Psychology Today, Feb 05, 2013.

Fields, R.D. (2013)  St. Patrick’s Day Hangover Doubles Risk of Brain Stroke.  Psychology Today, March 17, 2013.

Fields, R.D. (2013)  Low Testosterone:  Where’s the Beef?  Psychology Today, March 22, 2013.

Fields, R.D. (2013)  Why Can’t We Get Along?  Psychology Today, May 7, 2013.

Fields, R.D. (2013)  Brain Scan Can Reveal How Much School Work You’ve Done.  Psychology Today, July 22, 2013.

Fields, R.D. (2013)  The Neuroscience of Herding and the Government Shutdown.  Psychology Today, October 6, 2013.

Fields, R.D. (2016)  The Explosive Mix of Sex and Violence.  Psychology Today, January 26, 2016.

Fields, R.D. (2016)  The Science of Violence.  Psychology Today, April 27, 2016.

Fields, R.D. (2016)  Marijuana Use Increases Violent Behavior.  Psychology Today, March 20, 2016.

Fields, R.D. (2016)  A Neuroscience Perspective on Brexit.  Psychology Today, June 26, 2016.


World Science Festival

Fields, R.D. (2011) The Other Brain of Genius  World Science Festival, June, 2011

Fields, R.D. (2011)  Genius across Cultures and the “Google Brain.”  World Science Festival  on-line:

Fields, R.D. (2014)  Cinema Peer Review:  Douglas Fields reviews ‘Lucy’  World Science Festival, July 29, 2014



Guitarmaker Magazine

Fields, R.D. (2005)  Dylan’s Weissenborn, Guitarmaker vol 50, p. 35-39.

Fields, R. D. (2004)  Of Art and Science.  Guitarmaker vol 49, p. 22-29.



Foreign language publications

Fields, R.D. (2004) L’altra metà del cervello.  Le Scienze 430: 48-56.

Fields, R.D. (2004) Die unbekannte seite des gehirns.  Spektrum der Wessenschaft (Septermber 46-50.

Fields, R.D. (2004) La moité oubliée du cerveau.  Pour la Science 323 (Septembre).

Fields, R.D. (2004) Células de la glía.  Revista Investigación y Ciencia.  Junio 333.

Fields, R.D. (2004) Die ubekannte Seite des Gehirns.  Spektrum der Wissenschaft. Septermber.

Fields, R.D. (2004) La moité oubliée du cerveau.  Pour la Science 323 (Septembre).

Fields, R.D. (2005)  Memórias que ficam.  Scientific American Brasil.  March 2005.

Fields, R.D. (2005)  Wie Erinnerungen haften bleiben.  Spektrum der Wissenschaft. September,     62-69.

September .

Fields, R.D. (2005)  La force des souvenirs.  Pour la Science.  335: Septembre.

Fields, R.D. (2005)  Fijación de la memoria.  Revista Investigación y Ciencia.  343 Abril.

Fields, R.D. (2005)  La force des souvenirs.  Pour la Science.  335: Septembre.

Fields, R.D. (2006)  Amnesie auf Rezept  Gehirn & Geist 12.04.

Fields, R.D.  (2006) La erradicación de los recuerdos.  Revista Mente y Cerebro 20.

Fields, R.D. (2006)  Cancellare I ricordi  Revista Mente & Cervelo luglio-agosto 22.

Fields, R.D. (2007)  Il senso elettrico degli squali Le Scienze Ottobre 470.

Fields, R. D. (2007)  Profumo de sesso.  Mente  Agosto 32.

Fields, R.D. (2007)  Cancellare i ricordi.  Mente.  Gennaio 25.

Fields, R.D. (2007) La sexualidad y el nervio secreto Revista Mente y Cerebro 27

Fields, R.D. (2007)  Electrosensibilidad en los tiburones Revista Investigación y Ciencia Octubre 373.

Fields, R.D. (2007)  Ojos ruidosos  Revista Mente y Cerebro 26

Fields, R.D. (2007) Más allá de la teoría neuronal.  Revista Mente y Cerebro 24.

Fields, R.D. (2007)  Le sixième sens du requin  Pour la Science 359, Septembre.

Fields, R.D. (2010)  Nuovi responsabili del dolore cronico.  Le Scienze, Gennaio, 2010, n. 497

Fields, R.D. (2010)  Douler chronique:  les noveaux coupables.  Pour la Science, Mars 2010, N 389

Fields, R.D. (2011)  Il cervello nascosto  Mente e Cervello Luglio, 2011

Fields, R.D. (2011) Le rôle inattendu de la matière blanche.  La Recherche, 449:50-53

Fields, R.D. (2011)  Notre intelligence repose sur notre matière grise.  Les Dossiers de la Recherche  44, 32-34.


See also:

Brain Waves Blog by R. Douglas Fields



Over 120 scientific peer-reviewed articles, search “Fields rd” on PubMed


Trade Books

Fields, R.D. (2015)  Why We Snap, Understanding the Rage Circuit in Your Brain, Dutton, NY.

Fields, R.D. (2012)  L’Altro Cervello,  Espress edizion, Torino, Italy.

Fields, R.D.  (2011)  The Other Brain (paperback edition), Simon and Schuster, N.Y.

Fields, R.D. (2011)  Drugi Mózg,  Prózyński Media, Warszawa, Poland.

Fields, R.D. (2010)  The Other Brain, Simon and Schuster, N.Y.

Fields, R.D. (2009)  The Other Brain, Kindle Edition, Simon and Schuster, NY.