Posts Tagged ‘eeg’
The Forgotten History of the Discovery of Human Brainwaves
The centennial of the discovery of brain waves in humans exposes a chilling tale involving Nazis, war between Russia and Ukraine, suicide and the vicissitudes of history. German psychiatrist Hans Berger, the firs to record human brain waves in 1924. This year is the centennial of the discovery of human brain waves. Few people know…
Read MoreBrainwaves Reveal IQ
What intelligence is and how to measure it are thorny questions. If the brain’s information processing power could be measured directly with medical instruments, then the problematic assumptions, cultural biases, and pitfalls of IQ tests could be avoided. Moreover, direct measurement of the brain’s information processing power could reveal how specific brain circuits boost intelligence…
Read MoreMind Control–The reality of controlling the mind through brain implants and energy beams, and how BCI really works
The raging bull locked its legs mid-charge. Digging its hooves into the ground, the beast came to a halt just before it would have gored the man. Not a matador, the man in the bullring standing eye-to-eye with the panting toro was the Spanish neuroscientist José Manuel Rodriguez Delgado, in a death-defying public demonstration in…
Read MoreUntangling Controversy over Brainwaves in Autism
Brainwaves are cited as a biological basis for autism, an objective method to diagnose it, and a treatment through EEG-guided neurofeedback. Yet each of these intersections between brainwaves and autism is controversial. These mysterious waves of electromagnetic energy radiating out of the human brain are interrelated with autism, and there is tremendous potential for brainwave…
Read MoreFamily Separation Alters Electrical Activity in Teen Brain: Follow-up study on Romanian Orphans
The federal government has reported that nearly 3,000 children, as of January 2019, were forcibly separated from their parents migrating across the US border with Mexico and put into detention shelters or foster care. Much of what scientists know about how brain development in children is impaired by adverse early life experience comes from studies on…
Read MoreBrainwaves in people addicted to internet gaming are different
Researchers reported this week in the journal Scientific Reports, that they are able to identify differences in brain connectivity in people who are addicted to internet gaming. Most appropriately, scientists are able to do this by tapping into the brain’s Wi-Fi-like electrical signals radiating through gamer’s skulls. After sampling only 10 minutes of brainwave…
Read MoreOlympic Gold for Brainwave Performance
Whether or not a competitor stands on the podium wearing an Olympic metal can depend on a thousandth of a second difference in finishing time. Greater physical performance may not be what separate winners from losers when the margin is that close. Instead, it can be something beyond the competitor’s will–brainwaves.
Read MoreCerebral Storms
I awoke this morning to a ferocious lightning storm. The house shook from thunderous booms. The predawn darkness blanched in blazing white flashes. Lightning is impressive; especially in contrast to the feeble bioelectricity generated by the body’s nerve cells. Or is that just an illusion? Neuroscientist Michael Persinger has done some back-of-the-envelope calculations that may…
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