Brainwaves Reveal IQ

What intelligence is and how to measure it are thorny questions.  If the brain’s information processing power could be measured directly with medical instruments, then the problematic assumptions, cultural biases, and pitfalls of IQ tests could be avoided. Moreover, direct measurement of the brain’s information processing power could reveal how specific brain circuits boost intelligence…

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Lucy Movie Review and Neuro Fact Check

The premise for the movie Lucy is that 90% of human cerebral capacity goes unused, but that’s only the start of the neuroscience bloopers in this new film. After becoming an unwilling drug mule Lucy is suddenly able to access the full potential of the human brain when a surgically implanted packet of a new…

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Why does a Southern Drawl Sound Uneducated to Some?

 Mark Twain’s Classic Huckleberry Finn begins with an explanation to readers: “In this book a number of dialects are used, to wit:  the Missouri negro dialect ; the extremest form of the backwoods South-Western dialect ; the ordinary “Pike-Country” dialect ; and four modified varieties of this last… I make this explanation for the reason…

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