The threats and ethics of neuroweapons and mind control

The current issue of the UNESCO Courier examines the subject of neuroweapons and mind control.  Many feel new international regulation on the use of neuroscience technology for manipulating and interrogating people’s minds is needed.

I agree, but I also think it is prudent to separate fact from fear, and to put this potential threat in perspective.

I recommend the issue, which includes multiple viewpoints from scientists and authorities.  My contribution is the following:


Hacking the brain:
More fantasy
than reality

Although there has been spectacular progress in neuroscience
in recent decades, the possibilities that have been opened
up by the development of brain-computer interfaces are
not infinite. An extremely complex mechanism, the brain has
far from revealed all its secrets.

In 2016, the United States Department
of State reported that personnel at
the US Embassy in Havana, Cuba,
were attacked by a neuroweapon
that caused traumatic brain injury. After
intensive investigations produced no
evidence of any type of direct energy
weapon, the reported brain injury, which
takes various forms, is now called the
“Havana Syndrome”.

The prospect of mind control by using
electrodes implanted in the brain or by
beaming electromagnetic, sonic or laser
light through the skull has a long history.
Notably in the 1950s and 1960s, advances
in electronics enabled neuroscientists
to insert stimulating electrodes into
the brains of experimental animals and
humans to investigate how the brain
functions and controls behaviour, both
normal and abnormal. Public alarm
swelled as leading neuroscientists
advocated using radio-controlled brain
stimulation to correct deviant behaviour.
During the Cold War period,
b r a i n w a s h i n g t e c h n i q u e s t o
reprogramme the brain and overwhelm
the free will of hapless victims grew
out of new research in psychology
and psychopharmacology… read the full article (and the others) in UNESCO Courier (open access) 


  1. Brandon Iglesias on July 9, 2022 at 6:46 pm

    Acquired spectrum data during EM RF Neuroweapon attack in 2nd QTR 2022.

    • Fiona McLean on November 16, 2023 at 10:32 am

      It is the FBI (sexual predators and psychopaths hide inside the FBI)
      THE CIA tortures people around the world, and the FBI does it inside the United States.

      Also, if there is any “gangs talking”- it is InfraGard (delusional ex-military people that think they are part of the FBI. And they do get paid to harass, stalk, and steal your gas, etc.) The FBI does tell them what to do.

      So your lawsuit would need to be against the FBI in your city. They hide the evidence…
      so it is difficult to prove.

      • Eric on December 31, 2023 at 2:45 am

        Is there someone I can reach out to for help about this? I think this has been happening to me since 2014-2015

        • Kayce Sams on January 25, 2024 at 9:04 pm

          I am experiencing the same since 2014. Are you able to get any help? I am desperate to find relief.

          • Mustafa batu on February 2, 2024 at 12:34 pm

            Merhaba tüm elektromanyetik ses ve sinyal iskencedine maruz kalan insanlar ,yıllardır turkiyede bu siber radyasyonik saldırıya maruz kaldım ailecek hedef kişinin sesi ve sinyali taciz konuşmalarını duyabilmek için kimyasallar la kulak zarı zedelenir dokular zedelenir ve ses beyne kolay girer girken kulaklarını patlatır beyin soklari hatta bayilmalar tansiyon kalp sorunları gelişir rüyalar gordururler sinyallerle nabzi yükseltip kalp kirizi gecirtmeye çalışırlar kulak yaralı olduğu için şiddetli ağrılar oluşur evler binalar hedef alinir vericiler mahallelerde tüm sehirlerdedir kurbanlar buna hazırlandığı için sadece onlar hisseder ve kimse onlara inanmaz bu bunları yapan kuruluşların işine gelir ve onlara sürekli ses ve sinyal saldırısına devam ederek pisikolojilerini bozmak isterler bu sayede kurban doktora gider ilac verilir böylece şikayette etse pisikolojik rahatsızlığı var bunun denir ,gerçekten sinyallerle iğrenç düşünceler oluştururken verilen sesle bir radar gibi beyindeki düşünceni ve konuşmanı alır bilim kurgu gibi dışarıda bunları yapar hangi şehre giderseniz gidin işte böyle bir teknoloji kötü niyetli insanların elinde bir işkence ve suikast aracına dönüşür insanlara zarar verir çoğu ülkede bu teknoloji vardır yasalara aykırıdır ama kullanırlar ideolojik keyfi intikam zarar verme amaçlı bazende sorgulama amaçlı uygulanır durum böyle bunları gerçekten yaşayanlardan hep aynı belirtiler vardır bizlerde sadece düşüncelerinden dolayı buna uygun görülmüş özgürlük demokrasi adalet uğruna düşüncelerinden vaz geçmeyen sosyal demokratları hepinize saygılarımı iletiyorum Mustafa Batu Hümanist world istanbul

        • Thorne on January 29, 2024 at 2:43 pm

          Email me. We should talk.

          • Mustafa Batu on April 21, 2024 at 9:49 am

            Turkiyede zihinkontrolu ses sinyal iskencesi vardır vericilerden baz istasyonlarından uydulardan veriliyor bir de ses dalgasi silahlari lrad sistemleri ile kulak ağrısı baş ağrısı kalp tansiyon sorunları oluşturuyorlar dünyada da bu var belirtiler her yerde aynı bunun dünyada durdurulması gerekiyor

          • Hakan on April 21, 2024 at 9:50 am

            Turkiyede zihinkontrolu ses sinyal iskencesi vardır vericilerden baz istasyonlarından uydulardan veriliyor bir de ses dalgasi silahlari lrad sistemleri ile kulak ağrısı baş ağrısı kalp tansiyon sorunları oluşturuyorlar dünyada da bu var belirtiler her yerde aynı bunun dünyada durdurulması gerekiyor

      • Norman Garner on July 9, 2024 at 5:28 pm

        I am a victim of voice to skull I am being stalked.l am put under at night and I close my eyes I am in virtual reality wide awake they are covering my eyes during the day you can see it clear as day.I am afraid for my life.I am being attacked physically.they have me in a virtual world.i think they are hipmotizing me they are asking me yes or no question s over and over again. I need help. I need to put on a lie detector to show this is the truth.

        • Roland on July 17, 2024 at 4:11 pm

          Norman. I’m a victim to. Call me 817-263-6993.

    • Tim Armstrong on March 9, 2024 at 4:41 pm

      Whoever agrees with this weapon has serious mental problems when people are using it to make people lose their minds and caused mass shootings in the US costing innocent people their lives that’s what your agreeing on the nanomafia and secret societies in the US are doing the worse things to the American people then most and getting away with it if your hearing things it’s because a nurse glued silicone based nanotechnology to your ears if your having neurological issues it’s because something was glued up your nose by a female I was drugged in California where these women glued something up my nose going me neurological damage and a nurse at mercy hospital lied to me saying she’s going to check me for Covid and glued devices into my ears and what this does to someone well look at all the targeted individuals that harmed innocent people that’s what the people using it make people do torturing them

    • Pedro Garcia on March 14, 2024 at 6:52 pm

      I need some help I Brock up 2 year s sgo with my ex girlfriend after I had a accident a few months later and I started to hear a lot of thing but wen I left to a hotel she follow and then two guys rob me and I went to a second hotel wet e I saw her walk by and I call her name she started to walk faster and told two guy he is trying to rape me and gat on a tsxy and left the next day I took z buss to the bottle and I could heard her talking to some lady on the phone 3 days rite and the buss drivers saying he is not going to make it to his destiny. But did. ..,,after that I came to reno were I been before a knew the pachecos ,and pinedas I estay with guera robles and she re c amended a phone number were her daughter use to rent so I call and rented the room started working with her other souther cinthya pacheco at N.V.O construction company a week and half later it gat more weir “” I started to heard the pachecos repeated everything I was doing like “he gat up ” he set donw” he is in the bayhroom” he is in the back yard” and other thing everything I was doing so I gat ma dd and 3 days later I say wtf are ya recor dd ING me or filming they all stay quiet for like 3 min and then eri c k pined say we are in your head

  2. Kayla Combs on April 29, 2023 at 11:06 am

    I’ve been targeted, tracked, watched, eavesdropped on, humiliated, talked down to, threatened, made sick, had nastiness put inside my body, sexually viewed, sexually touched, and many other things happened inside my body for almost 3 years.

    I’m not sure how I’m even able to hear these criminals yet they talk to me over and over. They claim they have software inside my body that allows them to talk to me and hear me.

    They also claim they can see me and take pictures and videos of me through my eyeballs. They also send me images that flash before my eyes. They also claim they can see me through some sort of software they claim is on my body.

    Is this even possible?

    If so how do I prove this and report it? How do I find out who’s doing it?

    Thanks for your consideration in this matter.

    I can be reached here via email; and via phone at 251-999-4751 or at 251-392-9472. Thanks.

    • B on May 17, 2023 at 1:16 pm

      I think this is happening to me too. Did you find a way to stop it?

      • Rose on May 24, 2024 at 5:58 am

        Maybe but not really …. You can ignore it or ground yourself circle your property with rebar wear foil hat ….. Battle your inner demons find religion

        I think one of my old neighbors was a military contractor

        DHS is involved

        It’s satanic

        Remember the movie that the kids found a signal of demons talking on am radio. The satanic people c t do nothing to others without warning them….hence the symbols on fast food and electronics they are weakening out bodies to get out souls or something
        People who hear them or the whisper people have been hearing them for at least 10 years and be er knew it

        Weird is how all the stimulants now suck and Adderall is in shortage
        You hear em better walking between the boundaries and shadows where your still alive but delusional Alzheimer’s people hear them and so do crack babies
        Weird huh
        It’s been going on since the whole foil hat thing started

        Voice to skull technology v2k or v2s is scary it’s best to inform yourself of the tactics and stages used in this

        Usually within one mile is a center of it find out if anyone has any microwave license or any other frequencies on the infrasonic ultrasonic or low super low frequency licenses in your area …whichever your experiencing usually u will see blockhead and martin
        Keller and Heckman or some lawyer for natural resources or military technology contractors have a license to operate at a certain signal
        My best bet is it’s them

        My phone moves on own. Can’t say more nemisis will get mad

        • Michele Bailey on August 14, 2024 at 5:47 pm

          Me too and I know it’s the filthy fowl FBI. I’ve caught them on my home PC with a non domain server and on my cellphones rerouting my DNS SERVER AND THE SERVER GOES DIRECTLY BACK TO FBI. GOV AND FBI. GOV. THEIR FRIGGIN PERVERTS. INVOKE YOUR RIGHTS BACK TO STAND YOUR GROUND. THEY’VE AIMED FOR YOU SHOOT BACK. THEIR U. S. TERRORIST

    • Fiona McLean on November 16, 2023 at 10:31 am

      It is the FBI (sexual predators and psychopaths hide inside the FBI)
      THE CIA tortures people around the world, and the FBI does it inside the United States.

      Also, if there is any “gangs talking”- it is InfraGard (delusional ex-military people that think they are part of the FBI. And they do get paid to harass, stalk, and steal your gas, etc.) The FBI does tell them what to do.

      So your lawsuit would need to be against the FBI in your city. They hide the evidence…
      so it is difficult to prove.

    • Fiona on November 16, 2023 at 10:44 am

      I believe psychopaths and sexual predators hiding inside the FBI (in your city) injected you with a neural implant. You have brain-computer interface technologies inside your head. In this way, they can sink our brains with AI.

      They all belong in prison because there are way too many victims both inside the United States and the CIA does it all over the world. Millions of us with this shit in our head.

    • Robert on November 23, 2023 at 5:37 pm

      We should talk.

      • Jocelyn on December 19, 2023 at 2:43 pm

        Hey there since 2009 I’ve been made aware of this technology was abused by it over and over sleep deprived, had my organs auctioned off heard murders of my family and was told to kill myself.

        The aim was drive to Suicide see if your lying combining biometrics and infrared and ai hacking your devices gaslighting u through the systems health care and then they put u on a deli and call it schizophrenia. Big pharma probably involved its money and they are silencing g us one way or another I’m exhausted by it and need something to pull through where the crime that was done to me gets some sort of recognition that I survived that.
        Because I have died. But they haven’t succeeded yet.
        It’s stopped now there’s another side for those still targeted I’m so sorry my heart wants to just wrap u up so you’re not feeling as humiliated and shamed defeated abused. Cover the venerability others play on for a game. The syndicate doing it can get fuked I recognised the voices I knew my perpetrators.

        • Silvana on February 29, 2024 at 2:46 am

          Did yo read about MK ultra? Those technology does a lot with people mind and body. They also expended 25 milhões to make those experiences. I believe there’s a lot more technology after years. God mind is what I read about MK ultra.

    • Ron Sanford on December 9, 2023 at 10:47 pm

      You’re not alone Kayla, it’s happening to me too. Can never keep a job for over a month now because they always have me seizure and discombobulate making me fall to the ground. They say they’re the U.S Government but they act really silly every time I hear them. They say their “Government aids” are “spying” on me and that my friends and family are the ones behind the scenes pulling the strings. For 3 years, they did to me all the things they are doing to you and even have me seeing animals jumping on me.

      • Jill t Roberts on February 9, 2024 at 1:57 pm

        We should talk

      • Molly Beck Gilliam on June 25, 2024 at 12:58 pm

        I’m having seizures as well. I was attacked by N3 nanotechnology and I was able to get blood testing for it. I was attacked by a N3 Neuroweapon utilizing EMF synced to my DNA bio resonance frequency in May of 2023. It’s been horrific. I joined a class action lawsuit. Hopefully it’ll work out.

    • Pedro garcia on March 14, 2024 at 7:09 pm

      I think I know how we can all get together a take this people out .first ya need to record with your phone you bee surprise of everything y as can record and then have a forecast for audios clean the audios I have them recorded but they won’t let me get on my feet ,check QU-wave mind control it show you who they work it say that it runs through all electrical cables,and any electrical devices at home,thas why you can heard them every were,they see everything you do because it say that ” the eyes of the target becomes a real camara” that means they see with your own eyes and they record you talking to your self sometimes to pass you as escrisofenic and they call it ” the voice of god” because if you pray for your love ones with your mind they can heard you and even answer you like if they would be God.. but is just like yhry say there is still some per cent of humans that get a good ear a still hear frequencies like a phone call from other people on the post on the street and QU-wave works the same way ..check it out

    • Elisa J Hendrix on May 30, 2024 at 5:58 am

      I am also experiencing the exact same thing.

    • Theodore Mcquiston on June 20, 2024 at 10:27 pm

      I go through the same thing but for 15 years. I know how they do some of it. Some of it I still scratch my head. I know there is implants in your eyeball that let them see through your eyes. They are the diameter of a human hair.

    • Rudy . Hernandez on July 5, 2024 at 9:50 pm

      Same thing now for over a 1 year and a half,they font stop, do the most the inthinkable,most claim I’m crazy,I figured it out and know the main person that has gave the soul of my body mind,everything to this manipulating killing machine,never do they stop,I’ve had to adapt to there ways and deal with it,I will not stop revealing what’s going on with me ,try loving you’re girl and being close wile being energized,till we’re no one can tell,yo a Pointe we’re you want to die,who all knows what it feels like to actually die over and over ,and feel all the different types of pain and death ,been to hospital and mhra rehabs a 1000times,…Never thought that ise wake up one day and my life was a blind d to the people but,real to me horror movie…

  3. Nestor Juarez on June 3, 2023 at 3:40 pm

    I’ve been going through the same thing for a year. I’m going through everything Kaylas actually going through. Worst thing Is I know who it is. Just have trouble proving it. Please contact me.

  4. Nestor juarez on June 8, 2023 at 4:04 am

    My name is Nestor Juarez. A group of people or a community called hmong? I met this girl online who was hmong. Now her family and friends are using a neuroweapon to torture me mentally. They harass me daily. This has been going on since Aug 2022. Police in my area think I’m just mentally ill. Anyone know who I can talk to? They’re threatening to traffick my family. I have underage people in my family. I can’t let someone do something to them. Contact me at

    • Silvana on March 1, 2024 at 10:44 am

      Ask them to the cops if they know about MK ultra technology what it does! Maybe they will listen you.

  5. Heather Mousseau on October 13, 2023 at 11:15 am

    In 2022, I placed a Bill C65 complaint in my country, Canada. 🇨🇦 I am a mental health nurse and social worker; since placing the Bill C65 complaint, I lost both licenses. My complaint showed the failure of Bill C65; my background is mental health and health and safety. I placed the complaint as a kindness when a colleague at the department of national defence also experienced psychological harassment. Since placing that complaint, I have been neurologically, financially, emotionally, physically, psychologically, sexually tortured, daily. Sadly, in my cause, the governments/ (or some actor) response is to use the Jordan Peterson book, 12 Rules of Life to torture me; he criticized Bill C16. In my case, I live the Peterson book to this day with torture associated with each chapter.

    I have had neuro weapons used on me to make the Bill C65 complaint political and involve other political parties. There are neuro-weapons that can speak for people and control thoughts, actions and behaviours and people do not realize the same. They can mute all empathy and can control executive function so people take zero action and allow others to suffer. Family, friends and authorities turn a willful blind eye as a person’s life deteriorates and he/she is pushed into the mental health system as a form of torture; a family will unknowingly help as well as policing, governing bodies and healthcare. This is a significant form of torture; imagine your own family mocking and starving you, unwittingly.

    Actions I took, in Canada 🇨🇦 to report the neuro-weapons and black ops being used are as follow; I first advised my strongest advocates, my family, but they are also impacted, social justice, social control and familiar violence. I went to RCMP and provided evidence of what appeared a government criminal/human rights crime, they ignored me. I went to my nursing body and social work body, they were both provided evidence and ignored me. I then called the local HRP (police) and they ignored me refusing to take an envelope of evidence, advising poison could be on it. My own electronics hacked, so I requested neighbours call the police. Eventually, after standing in the street with signs and almost being physically removed from a political meeting, (something I would not do without neuroweapons) the mental health crisis line arrived to my home. I was reading a book, yet they forced me to go to hospital. (All my family called as well as my friend, that makes no sense).

    I live the torture discussed in Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life daily for placing an ESDC Bill C65 complaint against the Department of National Defence in Canada. My case can be proven and is a significant crime, both criminal and human rights. The use of family and society as a form of human torture is criminal and the United Nations should address this. There was nothing political about my complaint of Bill C65, it was; however, made political.

    I have been held on a form in a mental health facility as a form of torture; my family used to facilitate the same; my family are educated and my fiercest advocates; they would never do this without something facilitating it.

    The healthcare system has been used as a form of torture; my medical notes are ridiculous and inconsistent and make no sense. I have been denied care and the system used to torture me.

    I have been forced to suicide twice and yes, this can happen. I have been checked into mental health facilities for fictitious reasons to facilitate/or to create a story/background.

    Canada or some actor that appears to be Canada is using neuroweapons on Canadian Citizens and a black op is being used to cover up a DND crime and Bill C65 complaint using Jordan Peterson,s 12 Rules of Life. I endure profound torture from neuroweapons daily, hacked computers and TV, Voice to God it would appear and other neuroweapons.

    I simply exist now. I am not mentally ill, I am profoundly tortured.

    • Jocelyn on December 19, 2023 at 2:46 pm

      My story is so similar from Australia

      • Jill t Roberts on February 9, 2024 at 2:03 pm

        Same here. I am a retired school teacher in Fort worth being silently tortured every minute of every day. I have no history of mental illness. I have no one to talk to about this. I am now completely isolated in my apartment. I can be reached at 817-879-1367 .

    • Lana Roku on May 5, 2024 at 11:27 pm

      Hi Heather how doing now?

  6. Rainer Gefühlsmensch on October 22, 2023 at 5:42 am

    Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
    Synthetic Telepathy and Paranoid-Hallucinatory Symptoms as Global Population Control 🌍🔗
    🎭 Synthetic Telepathy: Synthetic telepathy is a technology predicated upon capturing electrical brain activity via electroencephalography (EEG, invented in 1924). This advanced technology allows for far more than mere non-verbal communication; it transmits thoughts, emotions, and even sensory experiences directly into the human brain. 🧠💡 This technology is also considered within civil society as a potential future form of communication.

    🔬 Inventors and Military Origin: The technology of synthetic telepathy has its roots in military applications. It was developed to enhance battlefield communication, increase soldier efficiency, and even monitor enemy activities. This development was conducted under the strictest secrecy and with significant investment. 🎖️🔒
    🛠️ Mechanism of Action: Synthetic telepathy employs complex algorithms and advanced neurotechnology to interpret and manipulate brain waves. It can be used to send thoughts and commands directly into the brain without the need for verbal or physical communication. 📡🤖 Combined with other neuroscientific tools like directed energy weapons, it serves as the primary instrument for conducting this experiment. These technologies allow the responsible parties to transmit fragments of thought, voice messages, sounds (e.g., laughter, belching, and others), emotions induced by force (e.g., anger, sadness, impulsive outbursts), and even sensory experiences (e.g., itching, stinging, vibrating, sensations of penetration, heat, heart palpitations extending to feelings of heart attacks radiating into the left arm) directly into the human brain (and in the case of directed energy weapons, to any part of the body). 🧠🔊
    🔊 Paranoid-Hallucinatory Symptoms: Through the use of synthetic telepathy, the responsible parties project voices, images, or even complex scenarios directly into a person’s consciousness. These are so realistic that they cannot be distinguished from reality by the affected person. 🌈👻
    🌐 Global Population Control in Experimental Stage: These technologies serve as instruments for global population control and are in the experimental stage. 🛰️🔒 The overarching aim of this coordinated experiment is the exploration and application of mind control technologies for various purposes, ranging from social manipulation to political governance. 🗳️📊

    🔗 All Cases Technically Induced: Upon verification of my thesis, all cases of paranoid-hallucinatory symptoms are not the result of natural mental illnesses but are technically induced. Each case of paranoid schizophrenia is part of a larger, coordinated experiment for population control. 🎯🕵️‍♂️ This means that each case of paranoid schizophrenia or similar mental disorders cannot be viewed in isolation. Instead, these cases are part of a larger, coordinated experiment for population control orchestrated by one or more organisations. 🌐🔒

    🚫 Ethical and Human Rights Concerns: This scenario represents an unprecedented violation of human rights and medical ethics. It raises questions about autonomy, informed consent, and human dignity that go far beyond what we have previously experienced in medical history. 📜🔥
    🔐 Protective Mechanisms and Oversight: It is imperative, for moral and legal reasons, to introduce stringent ethical guidelines and oversight mechanisms. International organisations and independent oversight bodies should ethically monitor, regulate, and if necessary, prohibit and prevent such experiments (Prevention, Transmission, Repression). 🛡️🌐
    🌐 Areas of Application: Although originally developed for military purposes, the technology has the potential for a wide range of applications, including medical diagnosis and treatment, enhanced human-machine interfaces, and even for social interactions. 🏥🤝

    🛑 Immediate Measures for Terminating the Experiment and Holding Those Responsible Accountable: To immediately halt this hypothetical, coordinated experiment for population control, international collaboration at the highest level is required. Governments, human rights organisations, and independent scientific institutions must act collectively to identify and neutralise the technologies and methods used for the technical induction of paranoid-hallucinatory symptoms. 🌐🤝 Forensic investigations must be initiated to identify and criminally prosecute those responsible. 🕵️‍♂️⚖️ Parallel to this, stringent ethical guidelines and legal frameworks must be established to ensure that such technologies are never again used for manipulative or destructive purposes. 📜🔒 Only through decisive and coordinated action can we ensure that technology is used for the benefit of humanity and not to its detriment. 🌍💪
    📢 Informing the Public: Affected individuals should document their experiences and approach trustworthy media, human rights organisations, or scientific institutions. The more attention the subject receives, the greater the pressure on those responsible. 📰🔦

    🤝 Networking: Victims should network with other affected individuals and supportive organisations to share information and resources. Together they can be a stronger voice against those responsible. 🌐🔗
    📚 Scientific Support: It would be advisable to consult experts in the fields of neuroscience, ethics, and law to scientifically validate one’s own experiences and symptoms. 🎓🔬
    🏛️ Legal Steps: Affected individuals should seek legal counsel to prepare possible lawsuits against those responsible. This could also contribute to stopping the experiment and holding those responsible accountable. ⚖️👨‍⚖️
    📜 Political Lobbying: By collaborating with MPs and other political decision-makers, affected individuals can contribute to creating legal frameworks that prevent such experiments in the future. 🗳️📝
    🛡️ Self-Protection: While taking these measures, affected individuals should also focus on their own protection, both physical and psychological. Support from professionals in the field of mental health can be helpful. 🌱🔒

    Summary: Originally developed for military purposes, synthetic telepathy in cognitive warfare enables the transmission of thoughts, emotions, and sensory experiences (for behavioural control/external influence) directly into the human brain. It is used in combination with other neuroscientific instruments like directed energy weapons to induce paranoid-hallucinatory symptoms. These technologies are in the experimental stage and aim to explore and implement thought control for social and political governance on a large scale. All cases of paranoid-hallucinatory symptoms are technically induced and part of this experiment coordinated by secret organisations (within the national intelligence services [of the Federation]). This represents an unprecedented violation of human rights (of German citizens) and medical ethics (especially a misuse of psychiatry). To stop this experiment, international cooperation is required. Affected individuals can contribute to stopping the experiment and holding those responsible accountable by documenting their experiences, networking, scientific validation, legal steps, and political lobbying.

    • Amanda on November 14, 2023 at 8:00 pm

      I know exactly what you’re talking about, so does my 7yr old step daughter. She would close her eyes and see scary things, or bugs, so she would tell me that she would have to open her eyes until the scary pictures went away. She has also her a woman screaming at one point and a man’s voice just recently. They have projected my neighbors pictures and I would have to open my eyes. My whole neighborhood is effected except the one that moved in 4yrs ago. I have been in and out of the ER with fluid behind my inner ear, vertigo, and also severe headaches, and a infection in my throat where I felt energy, the same energy I feel all over my head. I have sever pain and doctors can’t even tell me why I’m in pain. CT scans, internal and external ultrasound. My 17yr old daughter was only 15 and couldn’t get up out of bed. My son is only 5 had headaches so bad he couldn’t lift his head. My 6yr old daughter has been having so many problems and they keep making her do awful things and controlling her and she keeps saying she’s gonna kill herself. They made her stab my little baby boy when he was a year old and making her stab her dolls 2yrs old. It’s a woman named Twila and her husband I’ve herd his voice too.

      • Peter Rhosenholm on December 1, 2023 at 2:14 am

        I am being tortured with AI. Military, police, attorney General, universities, think tanks and even municipalities are all involved in torture or mind control with Synthetic Telpathy, brain Entrainment, heat and cold attacks, even a giggle effect.
        There is more like attacking people who live in desirable locations to suicide them or run them off to get properties, businesses even steel discoveries.
        It stated with friends of police. There is also people who drink or do drugs and they become informants and secretly rob and attack targeted individuals.
        In the beginning they rented off you, moved across the street and even moved in with a neighbour renting across the street. There was no G5, wifi and very few cell towers as I met a neighbour Steve Merolxxxx being targeted. It seemed like everything was going wrong. An Akita attacked him his dog and a neighbour’s dog, he beat it to death. When the owner came upset at first she then told him she was finding half cats in her yard. Police came and wanted to arrest him but neighbour’s wouldn’t allow it. They then past laws not allowing long barrels and police kicked in his door and beat him up.
        They would hit me from white vans with prototype weapons after Steve moved away an died. It is easy for that dog to be made to hear, “attack him”, in the owners voice using synthetic telepathy and voice cloning. I would even be attacked by two dogs on the beach and when I thought I will have to kill them because I was getting tired the ran away. I had two rock hammers and would have had to do it if they didn’t leave.
        Our communications network can read minds, send voices and even send Subliminal thoughts that appear as your own, but you know yourself and know a thought that is artificial. They cause these mass shootings driving TI’S insane. We don’t have a shooter problem but a mind control/ directed energy weapons problem like the Havana Effect /Microwave MEDUSA Weapon problem like we see today. But with AI and drones it is getting worst. It used to be little black helicopters.
        I live in EP RI. But with groups forming we are all over the country and when I started an international Skype call found we are all over the world. We found experts and Scientist who worked on these things but it is an arms race. This is why you see Putin at the end of a 60 ft table.
        The Rmy recently talked about sending messages to soldiers minds and how easy it is to do.
        This is just a small bit of what is happening. We as human beings will have to deal with this. It is way beyond flashing images on your TV and why does G5 have millimeter wave capabilities. This is used to see through walls. GOD BLESS.

      • Silvana on February 28, 2024 at 11:41 am

        Those criminals are doing the same thing with my son! They also treating my son, saying that they will kidnap him from school everyday! Also they asked money and asked my sons social security number.

      • Silvana on March 1, 2024 at 10:47 am

        E careful um a victims of them and my children’s also. They are targeting and treating my youngest son by kidnapping him from school. Those people are pedophile and criminails . Keep eyes on your family and let cameras on all the time to have evidence against them!…

  7. Peter Rhosenholm on December 1, 2023 at 2:14 am

    I am being tortured with AI. Military, police, attorney General, universities, think tanks and even municipalities are all involved in torture or mind control with Synthetic Telpathy, brain Entrainment, heat and cold attacks, even a giggle effect.
    There is more like attacking people who live in desirable locations to suicide them or run them off to get properties, businesses even steel discoveries.
    It stated with friends of police. There is also people who drink or do drugs and they become informants and secretly rob and attack targeted individuals.
    In the beginning they rented off you, moved across the street and even moved in with a neighbour renting across the street. There was no G5, wifi and very few cell towers as I met a neighbour Steve Merolxxxx being targeted. It seemed like everything was going wrong. An Akita attacked him his dog and a neighbour’s dog, he beat it to death. When the owner came upset at first she then told him she was finding half cats in her yard. Police came and wanted to arrest him but neighbour’s wouldn’t allow it. They then past laws not allowing long barrels and police kicked in his door and beat him up.
    They would hit me from white vans with prototype weapons after Steve moved away an died. It is easy for that dog to be made to hear, “attack him”, in the owners voice using synthetic telepathy and voice cloning. I would even be attacked by two dogs on the beach and when I thought I will have to kill them because I was getting tired the ran away. I had two rock hammers and would have had to do it if they didn’t leave.
    Our communications network can read minds, send voices and even send Subliminal thoughts that appear as your own, but you know yourself and know a thought that is artificial. They cause these mass shootings driving TI’S insane. We don’t have a shooter problem but a mind control/ directed energy weapons problem like the Havana Effect /Microwave MEDUSA Weapon problem like we see today. But with AI and drones it is getting worst. It used to be little black helicopters.
    I live in EP RI. But with groups forming we are all over the country and when I started an international Skype call found we are all over the world. We found experts and Scientist who worked on these things but it is an arms race. This is why you see Putin at the end of a 60 ft table.
    The Rmy recently talked about sending messages to soldiers minds and how easy it is to do.
    This is just a small bit of what is happening. We as human beings will have to deal with this. It is way beyond flashing images on your TV and why does G5 have millimeter wave capabilities. This is used to see through walls. GOD BLESS.

  8. Amber on February 19, 2024 at 4:29 pm

    My name is amber 44 Toledo Ohio this is happening to me been going on for 9 years my brother hears them I’m in love with my kids so they are trying to make me look crazy but I look genius this is surrounding my brother and I my girls Carly and Ashley have become quite famous my mom suffered a stroke fighting for her life these people think they are funny they watched my grandma suffer and die in July gave me no peace they try to burn my back chant how much the hate me and want me dead my old landlord is involved from jaymar apartments in bowling green Ohio I have major lawsuits going on she’s working with zepf center and st charles hospital she stalking me and my kids they are protecting her! They are watching my every move trying to make me homeless and with no money zepf center is in huge trouble when busted I will fight for my life God won’t let me die they are hiding in between social media behind my family they are watching and listening in from smart devices surveillance systems police scanners I’ve warned my whole family they watched me suffer fight for my life there’s a girl who thinks she’s running it she’s not it’s all about me amber strub it’s about my kids Nicholas Carly and Ashley mommy loves u I will save u from this I dont want my children exploited or seen naked under their radar i will win god will bless me i figured them out they r obsessed with my mind

  9. Amber on February 23, 2024 at 2:35 pm

    I need help asap they want me homeless and broke they attacked my mom she had stroke they are trying to take away my motherhood using me for my brain ideas iq and imagination this is true 4194679217

    • Silvana on March 4, 2024 at 3:04 am

      I’m being thinking here, the CIA knew about MK ultra experiment what it does right? They knew that this technology torture people mind and people body. This technology was used against kids at least 16 was used for the experiment. Why are the law enforcement denied people are being tortured by this technology seeking them as mentally healthy when they look for help? I’m not here to intimidate nobody but for a question and help like everyone. If happened there are criminals that had access to this technology? Because they are using religions names to commit crimes? Asking social security number and asking kids by talking about illuminate? Why those guy use name of Jehovah Elohim and says that illuminate is a power of the world? They are so real that they made me calls! It’s no a joke those people are trafficking humans and they are targeting kids!…

      • Sílvana on March 4, 2024 at 3:10 am

        Cancel I wrote something’s wrong. Sorry

      • Don Douglas Stobaugh on March 8, 2024 at 6:40 pm

        Yes the grandios malignant narcissist is in charge of all the covert narcissists and flying monkeys that help them target unexpected empaths and they are using mental mind control manipulation and gaslighting and exploiting my rights to privacy and just recently this past October started using weapons from the sky that tracks me wherever I go causing health concerns and they are mentally communicating along with surveillance networking together mentally like a organization of narcissistic abusive toxic evil lying jealous greedy individuals who only care about themselves and money and their extremely dangerous also I’ve been dealing with narcissists right now stalking me since 2012 I was married to a covert narcissist and this happened during the divorce process they stopped with the weapons until just recently this October started their weapons on me again I’ve come across a new device that I’m waiting to try when I can afford to get one it’s called the QuWave Defender I hope it will work otherwise I will just have to jest keep dealing with these narcissistic individuals or relocate somewhere else outside of their raidor range it’s ridiculous and they know what there doing I’ve done a lot of research on narcissism and sound waves and human behavior and development and the dereference between empaths and narcissistic personality disorder traits and have learned and listened to coaches and psychologists explaining exactly what’s going on with narcissism and I’ve experienced their narcissistic abuse manipulation mind games and tactics and arsenal from the sky and they are not going to take accountability for their actions and blame everything on the intended empath target their is corruption of justice involved in law enforcement agencies and hospitals and ambulances and doctors and nurses and the fire departments and their going along with narcissism and their narcissistic abusive cycle of tactics trying to dupe the victim out of their personal belongings and assets and a place to live and they will continue to stalk you and sabotage your life entirely God-bless.

    • Trenét on September 6, 2024 at 9:26 am

      Hang in there Amber. I will keep you in prayer. Looks like you are in NW Ohio. I am in SW. God is greater than all of man’s evil inventions. However, it has been shown to me the root influencing the weaponization of the ether and space around us is a spiritual one and it will only be overcome by fasting, prayer, and singing out of our heart worship and praise to God.

  10. Silvana on March 3, 2024 at 4:21 pm

    Criminais are using Psychotronic MInd control, Electronic, directed Energy neurological non lethal weapons. Who are being targeted unjustly or used as human subjects in experiment without they consent. It’s a violation of humans rights. Criminals may implant people with microchips or nano-materials and place them under continuous surveillance. They monitor the human brain, continuously alter consciousness and behavior, directly assault and torture mind and bodies of human subjects. These are some of the symptoms that targeted individuals may experience. Visual hallucinations, artificial dreams, reading thoughts, will, emotions, desires and perceptions. Manipulation of human behavior: forced speech, involuntary body movements, transmission of specific commands into the subconscious, compulsory execution of these commands i.e. the Manchurian candidate effect. Debilitation of mental acuity, loss of memory. Sleep deprivation or uncontrollable sleep. Cramps, spasms, excruciating artificial pain in any part of the body, manipulation of body systems, including heart attacks and other serious medical conditions. Some victims are subject to harassment and organized stalking in they communities. Some victim receive false psychiatric diagnosis and in addition become victims of the systems, from which they are seeking help medical institutions and law enforcement.

  11. Silvana B on March 3, 2024 at 4:39 pm

    I read about those technology MK ultra. On YouTube! About this high technology. Microwave hearing, torture with loud noise. Visual hallucinations, artificial artificial dreams. Reading thoughts, retrieving memories, manipulation of thoughts, will, emotions, desires and perceptions. Manipulation of human behavior. Forced speech, involuntary body movements, transmission of specific commands i e the Manchurian candidate effect. Debilitation of mental acuity, loss of memory. Sleep deprivation or uncontrollable sleep. Cramps, spasms, excruciating artificial pain in any part of the body. Manipulation of body systems, including heart attacks and other serious medical conditions. Some victims are subject to harassment and organized stalking in their communities, some victims receive false psychiatric diagnosis and in addition become victim of the systems, from which they are seeking help medical institutions and law enforcement.

    • Theodore Mcquiston on June 20, 2024 at 10:51 pm

      Good summation. Me too

  12. flash on June 19, 2024 at 10:51 am

    have you read my story? do you know how completely insane it is to put a neuroweapon in the hands of civilians who have ulterior motives? INSANE!

  13. Dustin on July 15, 2024 at 9:05 pm

    This has been happening to me for over 3 years now they try to twist and warp all my thoughts and memories they accuse me of shit that isn’t even possible they don’t even let m have a thought to myself they have something to say about everything and then turn around and try to say it’s everything that I’m thinking and that I’m paranoid and have no proof that they are doing it its complete bullshit they cost me multiple jobs and places to live because of their actions and torture they will not leave me alone they pretend to be my friends and family and can even mimic their voices they can make control the volume and direction of it to so they can make it sound like someone is outside my bedroom window if they want that’s how they started this they pretended to be my old neighbor and made it sound like someone was outside my backdoor which was right by my bedroom and now they just keep telling me I’m doing it to myself and that I’m lying I’ve contacted both local police stations the fbi the nsa and even the head of humans right in Geneva and no one will help my the poi here in the US when I called them told that if I don’t have any evidence they can’t do anything idk how I’m supposed to get evidence when they are using something remotely I can’t record what they a forcing into my head it’s impossible if anyone knows anyway to get to this to stop please contact me it’s severely affected my life and people around me because of what they do it’s completely messed up and highly illegal they watch me go to the bathroom and shower even telling me that I’m showing them myself naked and that I shouldn’t shower or go to the bathroom because I know someone’s watching they are psychotic individuals who believe they have a right to do whatever they want and violate whatever laws they want it’s complete torture and it needs to be stopped if anyone has any information or any way to get this to stop please contact me or 7014002457

  14. hollie schreckenbach on July 29, 2024 at 10:12 am

    My life is being threatened and day by day having medical problems that bring me to tears and I cry out to my Father. My ears my head can’t take much more more but I want and I am the voice of so many!! Even my taxes, and background check is messed up. I am living proof, this has been going on since 2019. I’m really worried about my safety of my life. Contact me at if you can help me

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